[root] Servicely Pro APK v1.1.4
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[root] Servicely Pro APK v1.1.4

[root] Servicely Pro APK v1.1.4
Requirements: 4.1+
Overview: Keep in mind that time when your gadget lost 50% of battery life amid the night in light of the fact that a gazillion administrations from reckless applications continued keeping your gadget alert and you have no real way to impair them?


This application is for you.

In case you're attached you'll have the capacity to choose which benefits or applications you wanna murder amazingly. The application runs a basic administration each X seconds (default is 60s) and checks if those administrations that you've chosen are alive. On the off chance that they are - BOOM - goodbye. A little detail however, in the event that that administration or application is running on the forefront this application won't murder it. It's a little security measure on the grounds that you don't need applications that you're utilizing to close on you.

The application operations keep running in a committed Background Thread so that your typical Android experience is not influenced.

You can likewise incapacitate/empower forever any administration on your gadget. It's helpful on the off chance that you have benefits that have a tendency to auto-restart and keep your gadget conscious, or in the event that you have diversions sending you endless notices.

This application is intense so have some awareness of other's expectations when utilizing it.

If its not too much trouble reach me before down-appraising.

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Altered a bug presented on the last redesign
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