Power Clean - Optimize Cleaner v2.9.3.4 [Ad Free] APK
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Power Clean - Optimize Cleaner v2.9.3.4 [Ad Free] APK

Power Clean - Optimize Cleaner v2.9.3.4 [Ad Free] APK
Power Clean - Optimize Cleaner v2.9.3.4 [Ad Free]
Requirements: 4.0+
Control Clean is a little, quick, and shrewd Android gadget cleaner and execution promoter including a garbage cleaner, memory supporter, gadget streamlining agent, application administrator. With this application you can free up capacity, support RAM, evacuate or incapacitate superfluous Apps, bolt applications, help recreations and get your gadget running like new once more.

Is your Android gadget execution backing off?

Do undesirable Apps and repetitive documents possess your cell phone's storage room?

Control Clean, the quick and intense cleaner that helps you to free up capacity, tidy up memory, stop autostart Apps, evacuate or handicap pointless Apps, know your gadget, enhance and accelerate it. Only a single tick, you'll be the Optimize Master of Android.

Include Highlights

► Junk Clean

Free up capacity and improve execution by expelling old garbage documents and mess, for example, framework store, leftover record, clearing out the download envelope, and then some.

► Memory Boost

Tidy up memory (RAM) and enhance telephone speed by expelling excess foundation assignments.

Stop auto-begin Apps to expand boot speed and decrease memory use.

1-tap memory cleaner and sponsor gadget makes it simple to clean your telephone straightforwardly from the homescreen.

► App Manager

Simple to cluster uninstall undesirable Apps or reinforcement imperative ones. Debilitate pre-introduced and framework Apps.

Sweep and clean repetitive APK records.

► Device Information

Helpful status of CPU, memory (RAM), GPU, camera, stockpiling, ROM, battery and equipment highlights.

Monitor memory (RAM), storage room and CPU/battery temperature.

Prevent Apps from squandering battery life and making gadget overheat.

TuneUp assignment administrator's memory edges to advance your telephone's execution.

► AppLock

Keep others from getting to your critical private applications, for example, Facebook, Instagram, SMS, Gallery et cetera.

Bolt these applications to secure your protection effectively.

► Quiet Notifications

Assembling all the futile notices to make them calm and clean.

► Game Boost

Support your diversion accelerate to 80%+, say bye-bye to slacking!

► Duplicate Photos

Examine all the comparable photographs, discover the best one consequently and evacuate the copy photographs to discharge more stockpiling.


1. Settle a conceivable crash on a few gadgets

★★★ MOD AdFree: ★★★

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